Monthly Archives: November 2009

back in business

well hello!!!

It’s wonderful to be back, in the Southern Hemisphere, in Wellington, at the sewing machine, right at the brink of summer summer summer.

Many tales from the road, which you can read about at the Champ Tours the New World site, but for now it’s all about a room with a view over Lyall Bay from one window and an ever-changing garden full of artichoke hearts and tuis from the other.

Over the next few months we’ll be slowly settling down (FINALLY) to life in NZ. It’s so nice to be able to start long-term projects, to start to unpack, and…to have all my fabric together in one place!!! (on it’s way). While we look for a more permanent home, over the summer we will be helping transform the beautiful piece of land we are currently living on into an edible community garden. It’s a dream come true.

In the mail today I got my copy of the recently launched first issue of Extra Curricular, a lovely little publication “for creative folk.” What a great little book to have in hand, the perfect size, well-crafted, beautiful lay out, and best of all, full of  behind-the-stalls stories of all those clever crafty people whose work I’ve seen or heard of over the years. And! it features Moonshine Washingline, check it out! Click on either of the photos to get a closer look and find out where you can get a copy.

Meanwhile, it’s high time I got the sewing machine cranking to stock up the etsy shop and get ready for the Martinborough Fair!

Here’s a bo-peep at just a selection of some of the new silks, linens, buttons and threads I have in store for the next batch – which will include summer hats for adults, kids and babies, and woolen winter hats (for those of you in the Northern Hemisphere). So hang tight, and if you’d like to get in quick and make an order, let me know!

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